Monday, February 28, 2011

Knitting Bowls

(Notice, I did not write Knitted Bowls; I'll let Carol, with all her vast experience in that arena, write that post!)

Last week a few of us Boatwright Knitters snuck over the Hugenot Bridge during lunch to visit Sue Henshaw, potter extraordinaire. Her knitting bowls had caught our attention in a Manteo, NC knitting shop, and when we realized she was local, well, we just HAD to take a roadtrip. Sue was so kind, and showed off many of her beautiful wares. She'll be at several local venues, and some upcoming fiber festivals, and we look forward to seeing her (and her bowls) again.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Cherry Bombing Friday February 11th!

Come join the U of R Knitters at Boatwright Library this Friday, February 11th, and help us "Yarn Bomb" novelist Joy Kogawa's Cherry Tree. [Flickr image courtesy of roland.]

Patterns are available here, if you'd like to get a head start or can't be with us on Friday. We'll be up in the Boatwright Library's Recreational Reading area between 12 and 1pm. Feel free to bring other crafting if you're so inclined - we promise to ooh and ahh!

{Also, if you're interested in reading her book "Obasan", we have two copies here at Boatwright Library.}